
Results from PeerSharing project published

To address the ecology of sharing and evaluate of the environmental impacts of peer-to-peer Sharing ifeu has recently published a report under the German title “Ökologie des Teilens – Bilanzierung der Umweltwirkungen des Peer-to-Peer- Sharing” as part of the “PeerSharing” project.

To address the ecology of sharing and evaluate of the environmental impacts of peer-to-peer Sharing ifeu has recently published a report under the German title “Ökologie des Teilens – Bilanzierung der Umweltwirkungen des Peer-to-Peer- Sharing” as part of the “PeerSharing” project.

Exchanging, lending, renting – the economy of sharing is booming. Both non-Profit organisations with high social standards and profit-seeking international companies participate in the Sharing Economy. To address the ecology of sharing and evaluate of the environmental impacts of peer-to-peer Sharing ifeu has recently published a report under the German title “Ökologie des Teilens – Bilanzierung der Umweltwirkungen des Peer-to-Peer-Sharing” as part of the “PeerSharing” project. This project is part of the funding programme “Sustainable Economy” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and investigates the sustainability of the use of internet platforms that mediate peer-to-peer sharing. The report presents the results of the PeerSharing project with respect to the participating platforms Kleiderkreisel, Drivy, Flinc und Wimdu, and discusses the conclusions to be drawn from them.

The project is characterised by high transdisciplinarity and great practical relevance. Another special feature is the methodical linking of environmental assessments with socio-empirical surveys. The project is managed by the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), with ifeu and the Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT) acting as cooperation partners.

Further information

Arbeitspapier Ökologie des Teilens

Sabrina Ludmann

Project Management
Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW)
Potsdamer Straße 105
10785 Berlin

Cooperation Partners
Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung
Schopenhauerstraße 26
14129 Berlin

Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg
Im Weiher 10
69121 Heidelberg
(Adresse vorläufig wegen Umbau)