
An assessment of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy: What needs to come next?

The Ecologic Institute published a first assessment of important steps for an ambitious implementation of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy for a healthy, just and sustainable food system.

On 20 May 2020, the European Commission launched its long-awaited Farm to Fork Strategy. The strategy is a first attempt to define long-term objectives for a healthy, just and sustainable EU food system that addresses both food production and consumption. The strategy is part of the EU Green Deal and was published against the background of the Corona crisis that has critically highlighted the dependence of the EU food system on global supply chains and the need to increase resilience against shocks – be it a pandemic or other crises such as climate change. To achieve the objectives of the Farm to Fork Strategy (F2F) it is now crucial, that its targets will be ambitiously implemented. The Ecologic Institute's initial assessment "The EU Farm to Fork Strategy: What needs to come next?" highlights five important steps for an ambitious implementation of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy – on EU, national and regional level.

» Stefanie Wunder (Ecologic Institute)

Further Links:
» The EU Farm to Fork Strategy: What needs to come next? (Publication)
» Regionale Ernährungssysteme und nachhaltige Landnutzung im Stadt-Land-Nexus (Publication)
» Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme in Zeiten von Urbanisierung und globaler Ressourcenknappheit (Publication)
» Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften: Arbeitspapiere zu nachhaltigen Ernährungssystemen und Reallaboren (Publication)