
New pathways in agriculture and diets for Berlin-Brandenburg

01/24/2024 | Ecologic Institute
Picture: Ecologic Institute

Berlin-Brandenburg is facing a challenge: how can we use agricultural land efficiently and at the same time ensure a sustainable food supply?

The KOPOS Policy Brief "The BIG FIVE" offers solutions to this question and presents five key recommendations for action. These range from the integration of food policy into public services of general interest to the promotion of inter-municipal cooperation. The focus is on the sustainable use and safeguarding of agricultural land and the strengthening of regional food systems. The report is an important resource for decision-makers at state and municipal level and offers concrete approaches for promoting sustainable development in the capital region.

Further links:

KOPOS Website

KOPOS Policy Brief

Neue Kooperations- und Poolingmodelle für nachhaltige Landnutzung und Nahrungsversorgung im Stadt-Land-Verbund (KOPOS) – Project

Ohne Ackerfläche geht gar nichts – Ernährungswende – Regional Gedacht (2/4) – 11th episode of "Knowledge for Future – The Environment Podcast"

Contact at Ecologic Institute:

Julia Jägle

Ecologic Institute is an independent, academic think tank for environmental research and policy analysis. Since its founding in 1995, Ecologic Institute has been dedicated to improving environmental policy, sustainable development and policy practice. We strengthen the European and international dimensions in research, education and environmental policy discourse. | Newsletter | Twitter | LinkedIn | Youtube